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  • Foto del escritorYuDKreW Resident

#360# ~ Juegos

Set: BIPOLAR. Tracy Set. Fatpack

🢆 English:

♥ Mesh hoodie and skirt

♥ Compatible with: - LaraX - Legacy+Perky - Reborn

♥ Color HUD to customize the hoodie (10 colours and 5 patterns)

♥ Color HUD to customize the skirt (10 colours and on/off option)

♥ Available at EQUAL10 EVENT

🢆 Español:

♥ Sudadera y falda mesh

♥ Compatible con: - LaraX - Legacy+Perky - Reborn

♥ HUD de color para customizar la sudadera (10 colores y 5 patrones)

♥ HUD de color para customizar la falda (11 colores y opcion de on/off)

♥ Disponible en EQUAL10 EVENT

■ Marketplace

■ In-World Store

■ Event


Shoes: EQUAL. Devan Sneakers. Fatpack

🢆 English:

♥ Mesh sneakers

♥ Color HUD to customize each part (28 colours, 28 dirty colours and 4 soles)

♥ Compatible with: - LaraX - Legacy F+M - Reborn - GenX+Curvy + Jake

♥ Available at MAN CAVE EVENT

🢆 Español:

♥ Zapatillas mesh

♥ HUD de color para customizar cada parte (28 colores, 28 colores sucios y 4 suelas)

♥ Compatible con: - LaraX - Legacy F+M - Reborn - GenX+Curvy + Jake

♥ Disponible en MAN CAVE EVENT

■ Marketplace

■ In-World Store

■ Event


Backdrop: TROPIX. Game room scene. Fatpack

🢆 English:

♥ Game room backdrop

♥ 4 different version included

♥ High quality texture design

♥ Available at MAINSTORE

 🢆 Español:

♥ Backdrop de sala recreativa

♥ 4 versiones diferentes incluidas

♥ Diseño de texturas de alta calidad

♥ Disponible en TIENDA

■ Marketplace

■ In-World Store

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