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Foto del escritorYuDKreW Resident

#338# ~ Amor o nervios

Set: BIPOLAR. Hyana Set. Fatpack

🢆 English:

 Mesh cardigan, dress and heels

 Compatible with: - LaraX - Legacy+Perky - Reborn+Waifus

 Color HUD to customize each part (10 colours and 5 metals)

 Available at TRES CHIC EVENT

🢆 Español:

 Cardigan, vestido y zapatos mesh

 Compatible con: - LaraX - Legacy+Perky - Reborn+Waifus

 HUD de color para customizar cada parte (10 colores y 5 metal)

 Disponible en TRES CHIC EVENT

■ Event


Pose: OG. Plant Life. Blogger Pack

🢆 English:

 Female bento pose pack

 6 different poses included (mirrored version included too)

 Posestand with all the poses included

 Available at PLANET29 EVENT

🢆 Español:

 Pack de poses bento femeninas

 6 poses diferentes incluidas (version espejo incluida tambien)

 Posestand con todas las poses incluidas

 Disponible en PLANET29 EVENT

■ Event


Backdrop:The bearded Guy. Genesis day. Backdrop

🢆 English:

 Genesis day backdrop

 High quality texture design

 Available at MAINSTORE

 🢆 Español:

 Backdrop de tunel con flores

 Diseño de texturas de alta calidad

 Disponible en TIENDA 


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