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#337# ~ Tarde en aprender

Acc: NANAO. E-Girl Set. FatPack

🢆 English:

 Mesh necklace

 Color to customize each part (10 colours and 5 metals)

 Unrigged and unrigged+resizer version included

 Available at ANTHEM EVENT

🢆 Español:

 Collar mesh

 Color para customizar cada parte (10 colores y 5 metales)

 Version unrigged y version unrigged con resizer incluidas

 Disponible en ANTHEM EVENT

■ Event


Set: CandyDoll. Noire Set. LoveThemAll

🢆 English:

 Mesh hat, shirt and skirt

 Color HUD to customize each part (10 colours and 10 patterns)

 Compatible with: - LaraX - Legacy+Perky - Reborn+Waifus

 Available at the KUSTOM9 EVENT

🢆 Español:

 Gorro, camiseta y falda mesh

 HUD de color para customizar cada parte (10 colores y 10 patrones)

 Compatible con: - LaraX - Legacy+Perky - Reborn+Waifus

 Disponible en la KUSTOM9 EVENT

■ Event


Pose: Rose&Thorn. Your darling. Pose pack

🢆 English:

 Female bento pose pack

4 different poses included

 Posestand with all the poses inside included

 Available at MAINSTORE

🢆 Español:

 Pack de poses bento femeninas

4 poses diferentes incluidas

 Posestand con todas las poses dentro incluido

 Disponible en TIENDA


Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS. Ivy gate. Backdrop

🢆 English:

 Garden gate 360º backdrop

 High quality texture design

 Available at MAINSTORE

 🢆 Español:

 Backdrop de 360º de puerta de jardin

 Diseño de texturas de alta calidad

 Disponible en TIENDA 


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